How to Create EC2 instance in AWS for FREE

Ashwin R
2 min readJul 21, 2021

Step By Step Instruction to create an Virtual Computer (EC2 Instance) in Amazon Web Services

Step 1: Creating a AWS account in free tier.
Use this link ( and create a account in the free tier of AWS. We are going to create AWS EC2 t2.micro instance that eligible for free tier.

Step 2: Creating EC2 Instance
1. Search for EC2 Instance in AWS console and click the first link. This will redirect you to the EC2 instance page and click on Launch Instance

2. Next select Amazon Machine Image (AMI), which is the operating system of the Virtual Machine. Select your Desired OS.
Note: If you select Paid OS like Windows, you will be billed for their license. So select the OS carefully if you wish not to be billed

3. Next we have to select instance type, which is the hardware of the VM. Choose t2.micro and click Next.

4. Now select the networking rules and open the required ports and click on Review and Launch.

Wait for some time and your instance will be ready to use. You can ssh into the vm if it is Linux os or rdp into the vm if it is windows os.

Thank you,

Ashwin R


